Monday, December 02, 2019

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I've been blessed with talents but choosing an esrog isn't one of them! My Rabbi has sent me back to the arba minim store a dozen times in pursuit of the perfect esrog.

One year, a few weeks before sukkos, I made my way down to the arba minim store knowing that this would be the first of many visits that year. I managed to find satisfaction knowing that the effort spent in securing a mehudar esrog is part of the mitzvah.

Whilst looking at the esrogim, trying to determine whether it was a lemon or a Chazon Ish Esrog, I bumped into a posek, Rabbi Sax (named changed). I asked him if he wouldn't mind helping me and he said he would be happy to do so. Rabbi Sax was also particular in getting a Chazon Ish esrog and proceeded to find a mehudar one. I was over the moon with joy that I had been giving siyata dishmaya in finding a mehudar esrog on the first go.

Sukkos arrived and as I was sitting in shul, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Rabbi Sax!  Rabbi Sax wished me a gut yom tov and then proceeded to explain what had happened to his esrog. His esrog had unfortunately become pasul. Rabbi Sax continued and said that he had taken the time to select my chazon ish esrog and knew he could rely on its kashrus. He asked if he could borrow it for the purpose of the mitzvah on condition that he return it shortly after. Obviously I was happy to return the favour!