Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Thanking Hashem

by Benji Raymond

Simcha was bored and didn't know what to do
he had played with his toys and was all in a stew
He asked his mom if she knew of something grand
anything, really, that wouldn't be so bland.

As she looked at the kitchen and garden with dread
Simcha's Mom let out a sigh and then she said
"You could do the dishes or mow the lawn,"
but Simcha declined as he gave a big yawn.

"Visit your Bubby Klein is what you can do
She always has a good story or two
See if perhaps she can tell one to you."

Before he knew it was a quarter to four
and Simcha was standing outside her door

Bubby Klein looked at Simcha and began to think.
She lowered her glasses as she gave him a wink
"It looks like you're looking for something to do
and I have just the idea for you!"

I will tell you a secret that you may not know
something that you can do as you grow
it will help you get through the tests of life
and as you know, the trials may be rife.
I will give you a gift and treasure it you will
it may even help you from getting ill
Bubby Klein handed Simcha some coins and a jar
Smiling she said: "This will get you far"
When Hashem does a kindness for you
and you will surely realise that there will be a few
Put one of these coins in this special jar
and a ray of light will ascend like a star.

Simcha got up with a jolt
as headed for the door with a bolt.
He now knew what he could do
something that would keep him busy for an hour or two.

He ran down the stairs as fast as a rocket
Hearing all the coins jingle in his pocket
He tripped and he flipped over a beam
flying through the air he gave out a scream.

He felt the pain from top to toe,
the black and blue started to show.
He bent down to pick up Bubbe Klein's gift
his eyes glazing over as his thoughts began to drift

He pondered to himself how bad it could have been
like landing in hospital or hurting his spleen.
The coin made a clink as he put one inside
the pain that he felt began to subside.

Simcha thought of the roof over his head,
his favourite toys and the Shabbos day spread.
The cholent, the kugel, the cake
and the other treats his Mommy liked to bake.

He thought of the bed he sleeps in at night
the wind, the rain, and the moonlight.
He mused how in winter he was warm
protected from the elements of the storm.

His thought of his arms, legs, and toes
and the fact that he didn't have any foes.
For his fingers, eyes and his feet
and all things in his life that were sweet.

He thought of his ears and his heart
and the selection of things they have at the kosher mart.
He was grateful for all he had to eat
not to mention the tasty yom tov meat.

He thought of every wonderful thing
as each coin he inserted made a cling.

He raced off to thank Bubby Klein,
for putting all his thoughts in line.
No longer would he kvetch or whine
His gratitude had become an eternal sign.